Month: August 2021

The Importance of Professional Gutter Services

“Leave it to the professionals,” you hear it all the time said about everything from healthcare to construction. Sometimes the do-it-yourself route works out well, but there are times when the professionals do know what’s best. When it comes to gutter cleaning, repairs, and inspections, you can sometimes clean your gutters by yourself, but everything else should be left to the pros to make sure…


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Conditions That Make K-Style the Ideal Gutter Profile

Gutters have two styles or profiles: half-round and K-style. Both styles can be installed on virtually any home style, but there are conditions that will require K-style gutters. 

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What Are K-Style Gutters?

K-style gutters have an angular profile, whereas half-round gutters are curved. K-style gutters are named as such because it is the eleventh (out of 12 profiles) designated by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA). The eleventh letter is “K”. The rear side of the profile is square while the front side features an S-shaped flourish that, when viewed from the ground, gives the appearance of crown molding. Traditionally, the S-shaped part is called “ogee”, which is why some people call K-style gutters “ogee gutters”.

Conditions That Indicate Your Home Needs K-Style Gutters

While one style isn’t necessarily better than the other in terms of performance, there are conditions that call for choosing K-style gutters over half-rounds:

You need a wider drainage area – Half-round gutters are typically three inches wide, which is more than enough for most homes. However, you may need a wider drainage area if the roof has a very steep slope. The bigger roof area and steep angle will push greater volumes of rainwater towards the gutters, which means you need something with greater efficiency.

You need new gutters on short notice – Seamless K-style gutters are processed onsite, which means they can be ready to install on short notice. In contrast, half-round gutters have to be ordered ahead of time. This makes K-style gutters ideal for emergency replacements.

You need lightweight gutters – Some roofs require gutters made of lightweight materials. Installing heavy gutters may pull down and cause damage to the roof. This is why half-round gutters are better suited for new roof installations as the roofing contractor can take gutter weight into account when planning the roof framing. On the other hand, K-style gutters are usually made from aluminum – one of the lightest metals available – which makes them ideal for installation on existing roofs.

Gutter Helmet® of Piedmont is your leading provider of seamless gutters and gutter protection systems. Give us a call at (844) 204-1015, fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment, and check out our Gutter Helmet® reviews! We serve customers in Charlotte, NC, and the surrounding communities.

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Tiger Stripe Gutter Stains: Causes and Removal Tips

Do the gutters on your home have unsightly vertical streaks running down them? These stains are commonly known as tiger stripes, and they are often caused by some combination of tree sap, chimney fumes and environmental pollution.

Removing tiger stripes from your gutters may be challenging, but they can be cleaned effectively if you’re willing to put in the time and work. Here are a few tips that will help you make those streaks a thing of the past.

Start by using a non-abrasive detergent cleanerMan installing gutter system

The first thing to do when you notice tiger stripes on your gutters is attempt to clean them with a non-abrasive detergent cleaner. There are a number of companies that manufacture cleaning products designed specifically for gutters. These products can usually help you eliminate tiger streaks right away as long as they haven’t built up on your gutters over the course of many years.

Try a heavy-duty cleaner for tough tiger streaks

In cases where tiger stripes have had more time to develop, a non-abrasive cleaner may not be powerful enough to remove them completely. In that case, you’ll need to try using something that packs a bit more of a punch. A cleaning product like Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner might just do the trick.

Avoid cleaning your gutters with anything that might damage them

You may have to get creative to remove tiger stripes from your gutters, but you shouldn’t use anything that might damage them in the process. Avoid ammonia, paint removers or anything that has potentially-harmful solvents in it, for example. You should also use soft brush or a cloth rather than metal brushes to avoid scratching your gutters while cleaning them.

If you’re tired of trying to restore your dingy old gutters, we can help you replace them with modern, durable seamless gutters that will improve your home’s curb appeal and look great for many years to come. Give us a call or contact us online to get started today!

The post Tiger Stripe Gutter Stains: Causes and Removal Tips appeared first on Bell Seamless Gutters.

Rainwater Harvesting Can Help in Drought-Stricken Areas

Water continues to be in short supply in many parts of the country, with the western and northwestern portions of the United States suffering from persistent drought. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, this year, eleven states have been suffering from extreme drought conditions: New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming. In the driest areas, wildfires, some of which are started by lightning, are common.

How Rainwater Harvesting Works

When the dog days of summer arrive, every drop of rain matters in drought-stricken areas. Placing rain barrels underneath downspouts – also known as rainwater harvesting – could make all the difference for parched lawns, gardens, trees and houseplants. A rain barrel is any type of container used to collect water running off a roof or other surface. It is placed at the base of a short downspout, directing water runoff into the rain barrel. This reduces your reliance on other water sources and cuts down on the amount of stormwater runoff released into drainage systems. It’s a smart, simple solution that can save you money.

Ideally, you should have a rain barrel for each of your home’s downspouts. For every inch of rain that falls on a roof area of 1,000 square feet, you can expect to collect about 600 gallons of water.

What You Need

Start with a properly functioning gutter system that transports water without leaking or overflowing. Underneath each downspout, install a rain barrel on a sturdy concrete or wood base. If the barrels are open, you’ll need mesh screens to cover them. Gutter Helmet® rain gutter guards are also an important component of a rainwater harvesting system because of the way they filter the water by keeping leaves, twigs and pine needles out of the gutters, and thus out of the rain barrels.

Improve Your Gutter System With Gutter Helmet® 

Learn more about the cost of Gutter Helmet® rain gutter covers and the role they can play in rainwater harvesting by calling (800) 824-3772 or submitting an online request for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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It’s Time to Start Prepping for Autumn

The end of Summer is approaching quickly, and it’s about to be time for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the beginning of Fall! The autumnal season comes with many wonderful things, the leaves change, and people start feeling festive with their Pumpkin Spice Lattes in hand; however, after the leaves change color, they begin to leave their trees and head for the ground, but sometimes, they don’t make…


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What’s the Difference Between Seamless and Regular Gutters?

Whether you’re building a new home or are adding a new roof and gutter system to your existing home, you’re probably wondering whether to choose traditional or seamless gutters. Since your gutters are an important part of your roofing and drainage system, it’s key that you choose the best gutters for your particular home.

When it comes right down to it, who wins the seamless vs. regular gutter battle? Here’s an overview of the key differences, so you can decide which type works for you.

Seamless vs. regular gutters

As the name suggests, seamless gutters lack the sectional seams you’ll see on regular gutters. Regular gutters come in a variety of materials, from vinyl to different metal types. They’re usually produced in 10- to 20-foot sections, which are joined together as the gutters are installed.

Seamless gutters, on the other hand, are typically made from aluminum or other types of metal. The installation crew measures your rooftop, then extrudes and cuts each gutter from a single metal coil. While elbow joints may be used to go around corners, seamless gutters otherwise lack joints and seams—which means there’s less chance of leaks, sagging and clogs.

Which should you choose?

There are certain pros and cons to each type of gutter style. Read on to decide which will work best for your home and budget:

  • Seamless gutters require less maintenance and repair: The main draw of seamless gutters is the fact that they simply don’t need the same level of maintenance and repair that sectional gutters do. With fewer joints to monitor, there’s less opportunity for your gutters to leak during a heavy storm. When you add gutters with leaf guards, you might also be able to avoid cleaning your gutters—forever!
  • Sectional gutters come in more materials: If you want vinyl gutters, you’ll probably need to stick with sectional gutters. These lightweight, inexpensive gutters can get the job done, but beware that vinyl can warp and discolor in extreme heat.
  • You can hang sectional gutters yourself: Many people choose sectional gutters because they want to avoid the cost of labor and installation. You can hang your sectional gutters yourself to avoid these costs—but you might perform more repairs than you would with seamless gutters.
  • Seamless gutters are stronger: Fewer joints and metal materials mean that seamless gutters are much stronger. They’re less prone to sagging and leaking than sectional gutters.
  • Both types of gutters come in many colors: Luckily, both types of gutters are available in myriad colors, allowing you to find a shade that works with your home’s exterior.
  • Seamless gutters may cost more to install: Seamless gutters might cost more to install—they’re custom-cut for your home, after all—but ultimately, having little need for repair will save you money over the long term.

Now that you better understand the differences between seamless and regular gutters, if you’re ready to take the plunge and get your own seamless gutters, call the team at L & S Seamless Guttering today to schedule a consultation.

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5 Reasons to Say YES to House Washing

House washing. It’s probably not something you think about much… until the outside of your home shows signs of needing some TLC. Does your siding appear grimy, dingy, and dirty? Has mold or mildew begun to form?

House power washing definitely make a difference. It’s a simple, affordable preventive maintenance measure that works to beautify your home’s exterior and help you retain the value of your property.

Here’s why house washing that’s handled by a team of qualified professionals is well worth the investment:

Over time, dirt, grease, and mold or fungus can accumulate the exterior of your home. Our breakthrough technique uses a patented technology called soft washing. The result is a deep-down clean that’s gentler on your home’s building materials, yet achieves a more thorough, kind of clean than traditional power washing. Here are more reasons why you should choose the Soft Wash House Washing method done by Superior Pressure Washing:

  • Gives your house that pristine appearance to enhance curb appeal.
  • Brings out the aesthetic beauty of your home’s siding, brick, or stucco.
  • Keeps your family healthy by reducing the spread of mold and pathogens.
  • Helps prevent your home’s siding from deteriorating.
  • Is quick and affordable.

Giving your home’s exterior a good, deep cleaning using our breakthrough soft washing technology will help preserve property value. The simple practice of maintaining your home’s outside surfaces can prevent costly repairs down the road.

A spotless exterior creates a strong first impression to potential buyers, and investing in house power washing can expedite the selling of your home if you’re putting it on the market.

Want to know more? We’ll have a qualified technician come out to your home for a free assessment. Contact Superior Pressure Washing for a house washing estimate today!

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How to Install Gutter Guards the Gutter Helmet® Way

Installation of the Gutter Helmet® gutter protection system requires the expertise of a factory-trained specialist who will examine your roof, gutters and fascia board to ensure your system is planned and installed properly. 

The Gutter Helmet® Installation Process

There’s a specific procedure for having America’s best gutter guards installed on your home. This procedure is as follows:

  1. Scheduling. When you give Gutter Helmet a call, we‘ll direct you to the Gutter Helmet dealer that serves your specific area. At a time that’s convenient for you, the dealer will schedule an appointment to visit your home.
  1. On-site visit. The specialist will inspect your gutter system, roofline, siding and all other components that will affect the installation. Don’t worry about cleaning your gutters prior to this appointment; we want to see all issues and problems with your gutters before we give you a quote.
  1. Education. The specialist will explain how the Gutter Helmet installation will affect your gutters and home.
  1. Estimate. You’ll be presented with a free written price estimate at the time of your appointment, with no pressure to purchase.
  1. Decision time. You’ll be given plenty of time to make your decision. Your specialist will follow up with you to find out if you want to have Gutter Helmet gutter covers installed on your home.
  1. Installation. If you make the decision to purchase Gutter Helmet, we’ll send a technician out to install the product and clean, seal, check and adjust the alignment of your gutter system if necessary. Gutter Helmet will then be custom-fitted and secured over your full-sized gutters.
  1. Never clean your gutters again.® An accurate and effective Gutter Helmet installation will keep you from ever having to clean your gutters again!

Connect With Gutter Helmet® Today 

When it comes to installing gutter guards, no other company has the track record and expertise of Gutter Helmet. After more than 40 years in business and millions of feet installed, we’re confident that you’ll be highly satisfied with our products and services. To connect with your local Gutter Helmet dealer and get started on your installation, give us a call today at (800) 824-3772 or submit our online form. You can also go to our website to read the gutter cover reviews left by our customers!

The post How to Install Gutter Guards the Gutter Helmet® Way appeared first on Gutter Helmet.

Can I Install Gutter Guards By Myself?

Typically, it’s recommended that homeowners clean out their gutters in early spring and late fall. But many homes require more regular cleaning to ensure that the gutters are doing their job of safely distributing water runoff away from the home. And if you’re seemingly always cleaning out your gutters because debris constantly accumulates in them and causes problems, then gutter guards are something you should give some serious thought to.

Gutter guards install over your gutters and essentially work to ensure that any large debris (leaves, pine needles, etc.) is not accumulating in your gutters, while still allowing water to enter and adequately drain away from your home. But one of the questions that we receive often is whether or not installing gutter guards is a DIY job. We’ll get into some of the pros and cons of DIY gutter guard installation later in this piece. But first, we’re going to take a closer look at why gutter guards are a smart investment for many homeowners. Here’s a look:

Like we hinted at in the intro, gutter guards are ideal for homes in areas with a lot of foliage. When leaves, needles and other debris fall from trees, it doesn’t necessarily always make it to your lawn or the pavement — but anywhere and everywhere. And the leaves, needles and debris that fall on your roofline are eventually going to make their way into your gutters. If too much builds up in your gutters, it’s going to clog your downspouts. This can lead to some significant issues, which may include:

  • Gutter overflow: When gutters can’t distribute water runoff properly, water will pour over them. This can lead to water pooling around your home’s foundation and potentially lead to foundation degradation or even home water damage on the lower levels of your property.
  • Gutter damage: When wet, leaves and debris represent a significant weight within your gutters. If this weight becomes too great, it could cause your gutters to begin pulling away from the roofline and require repair or replacement to the gutter system. This issue can be even more significant during the winter cold weather months when standing water has the potential to freeze and cause even more problems within the gutter system.

Additionally, properly installed gutter guards help eliminate regular cleaning of the gutters, which is often necessary for areas with heavy foliage. If you hire someone to clean your gutters, you can save money in the long term from installing gutter guards. And if you elect to clean your gutters yourself, you can save time and effort, and also reduce your chance of being injured when working at heights. Even if you have gutter guards, you’re still likely to have to clean your gutters out on occasion, but cleaning and maintenance is much less than if you didn’t.

Is Gutter Guard Installation a DIY Project? Pros and Cons

The biggest advantage to installing gutter guards yourself is the cost savings. If you’re confident that you can correctly install gutter guards, you’ll only be paying for the materials and not for the labor. For the average home that has about 200 feet of gutters, this represents a savings of about $1,000. However, depending on the type of gutter guard that’s being installed, the cost can be upwards of $2,000. Generally speaking, the more costly the labor to install gutter guards, the more complicated the installation.

However, there are several potential hazards associated with DIY installation of gutter guards. Here’s a look at what you need to beware of before making the decision to do it yourself.

It Can Be Dangerous

In order to install gutter guards, you’re going to have to be able to access the roof of your home. And depending on what kind of a home you have, this can be dangerous. If you have mobility issues, a steep roofline or just don’t do well at heights, this is a project you’ll likely want to leave to the professionals. If things were to go awry, you could end up seriously injured.

Correct Installation is Key

If you have some general handyman skills, you should be able to install most types of gutter guards without a problem. But keep in mind that some gutter guards are more difficult to install than others, so the difficulty of installation can vary based on the style that you select. Incorrect installation of gutter guards can essentially nullify the purpose of why you wanted them in the first place. You could also experience roof damage if the installation were to go wrong with certain types of gutter guards.

It’s Often More Convenient to Hire a Professional

Most people purchase gutter guards at the same time they’re having new gutters installed on their home. Noting this, it’s often much more convenient to just have the professionals who hang the gutters also install the gutter guards. Additionally, professional home improvement companies generally have access to better types of gutter guards versus the ones that you can buy over the counter at your local hardware store.

For more information on gutter guard installation, contact K-Guard today.

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Get It Right the First Time: Gutter Installation

Whether you’re getting gutters installed for the first time or have decided to update your current gutter system, there are many factors to consider when choosing how to go about the gutter installation process. From choosing new gutters to making sure they’re installed the right way; this is not a job that most homeowners are equipped to handle on their own. That’s okay though because…


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