Month: January 2020

How to Check Your Gutters

How to inspect your gutters

Gutters are installed along a roof’s edge to capture and direct runoff from rainfall and other inclement conditions. A clogged or damaged gutter system will fail to channel this drainage away from the home efficiently and can lead to spilling, pooling, leakage, and possible foundation damage. It is recommended that you have your home’s gutters inspected at least two times a year. You may need to have your gutters checked more frequently if you suspect any damage or you live in a densely forested area. In order to properly examine your gutters make sure to follow all the steps outlined in this plan. 

Disclaimer: We don’t recommend inspecting your own gutters as ladders can be dangerous if not used properly. Even so, a fall from a significant height could be very harmful. Be sure to have a bonded, insured professional inspect and clean your gutters regularly.

Remove all the debris from the gutters

The first step to a full gutter inspection is to remove all the leaves, needles and other debris from the gutters. You will either need to use a ladder to reach your gutters or one of the numerous ladder-free gutter cleaning tools available. If you choose to use a ladder, always use good ladder safety by enlisting a spotter and making sure that the ladder is firmly planted on even ground. Once the gutters have been cleared of large debris, you will need to remove all the small debris, dust and mud from the gutters using a hose or a hose attachment. As the water runs through the gutter system, make sure to look out for leaks on the underside of the gutter and that the water flows easily through every part of the system including the downspout.  

Check for leaks or slow spots

Make sure that water is flowing freely through the downspout as well as through any pipes the downspout may connect to, including underground pipes. If underground pipes are clogged you may need to use a plumber’s snake or other implements to insure maximum drainage. If there are any areas where the water slows significantly or pools, you may have a slope issue. Spikes or hangers may need to be adjusted or relocated up or down to improve the slope and create better flow in your gutters. 

Examine materials around the gutters

Check the space between the gutter and the wall, especially if you have noticed water running down the side of the wall during storms or if there are any visible stains on the side of your house. You will want to closely examine the spikes or hangars that hold the gutters to your roof as those can become loose and may need to be resecured or even replaced. Make sure to inspect all the seams, ends or any other part where sealant may be missing or where you may find leaks. Repair by removing old sealant and applying new material. 

Make sure your home is protected

You may find this potentially dangerous process to be too involved or overwhelming. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to call Ned Stevens Gutter Cleaners. Our team of professionals will inspect your gutters making sure they run smoothly, cleanly and without any leaks. We will ensure that your home is as protected as possible.  Call us today to get $25 off your first gutter cleaning!


Get $25 Off Your First Gutter Cleaning!

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Do Gutter Sponges Work?

Does your home need a gutter guard?

Everyone knows how important it is to maintain your home’s gutters. Everyone also knows how grueling it can be to clean out your gutters. With this in mind, many homeowners looking for an easy solution for preventing clogged gutters are interested in gutter guards. The idea behind gutter guard products is that they are designed to help keep debris out of your gutters by protecting your gutters from accumulating that debris in the first place. There are many different kinds of gutter guards, each with its own goal of keeping your gutters clear. But it’s not that simple.

There are many considerations that you should take in before deciding to invest in gutter protection. You may not live in areas where trees are prominent and do not need gutter guards. If the nearest large tree is more than 200 feet away from the edge of your roof, gutter guards are probably not necessary. However, even if you live in an area covered in large, leafy trees, gutter guards may not offer the protection you are looking for. Read on to find out about gutter sponges, one such method of gutter protection and whether or not it is effective in preventing gutter clutter. 

What are gutter sponges and how do they work?

Sponge guards are among the various types of gutter guards and work through the use of a sponge that is shaped to conform to the inside of each gutter. Most sponge gutter guards consist of an open-cell polyurethane insert or an insert made of foam. This foam or sponge acts as a trap by intending to filter any large debris out of the water that flows down the gutter.  Sponge gutter guards are a do-it-yourself product and can be found at most home improvement stores.

There are a few important things to understand about sponge gutter guards. 

Many are not flame retardant which may be a serious issue if you live in an area prone to fires. Sponge gutter guards can impede water flow, backing up your gutters and causing water to possibly spill down your home’s walls. While gutter sponges are somewhat effective at filtering out most large debris, they often leave behind small needles, leaves and seeds. Over time, these small items of debris collect to form a thick layer of mud and muck at the bottom of the gutter. For this reason, gutter sponges can be prone to rotting and even mold. This smelly, unhygienic mess then has to be cleaned out, defeating the purpose of having a preventative system in the first place. 

Sponge or foam gutter guards typically only last 1-2 years, making it a costly option for a gutter protection system. They also attract and retain oils and tar from your roof. These oils build up in the cellular walls of the foam, eventually turning the foam material into a solid. For a system that is designed to allow water to flow as easily as possible, having a large, solid form in the place you need the most flow again seems contradictory to the point of having a preventative gutter system.

What gutter guard is best for my house?

If you’re looking for the best way to clean and maintain your gutters year-round, Ned Stevens Gutter Cleaning can answer all your gutter solutions questions and address all your gutter needs. As we mentioned, gutter guards – foam or otherwise – don’t replace gutter cleaning. There’s no perfect “set-it-and-forget-it” solution that will keep your gutters totally debris-free without some help. Call us today and get $25 off your first gutter cleaning!


Get $25 Off Your First Gutter Cleaning!

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A New Year, A New Gutter System

new gutterAs we celebrate the holidays and move into a new year, we can’t help but be retrospective and hopeful about the future. The winter skies hang close over us while we nestle comfortably in our homes. As you consider what resolutions to make that will make your life better and more secure, you need only look out the frost-covered window to the gutters that line your roof! How does a new gutter system sound for the new year?

One resolution that is guaranteed to add to your safety, financial well-being and value of your home is to upgrade to a K-Guard new gutter system.

Why should I make installing a K-Guard new gutter system my New Year’s Resolution?

The answer to this question is simple – installing a new gutter system helps you protect your family as well as your home, your largest financial investment. K-Guard gutter systems are versatile and customizable to every home, and their unique design will save you hours and hours of time and manual labor for many years into the future.

Not many New Year’s resolutions can check off two boxes – increasing the value of your home while at the same time increasing your safety. 

Often overlooked, gutters are a critical component of any building. By collecting the rain and runoff water and moving it away from your house, gutters prevent pooling and flooding that can cause significant structural damage. Regular gutters are effective at moving water away from your house, but as anyone who has climbed a ladder onto their roof knows, they are extremely prone to clogging and flooding. 

Safely cleaning clogged gutters is a difficult task – either shuffling along your roofline or constantly climbing up and down and moving your ladder. Why not make a resolution to install new gutters that both increase your safety and protect your house?

K-Guard’s patented gutter technology is designed to prevent the clogging and flooding that plagues standard gutters. Their specially designed covers allow water to move freely away from your house while preventing sticks, debris and leaves from blocking the flow. Your gutters don’t have to work overtime trying to keep your house dry, and you won’t have to spend tons of time dangerously removing those thick clumps of debris we all dread to see!

How do K-Guard gutter systems save me money?

Likely one of your other New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time with your family or to do fun things with the people you care about. Imagine not having to spend hours on your roof or climbing up and down and moving ladders in order to clean out your clogged gutters? Or how much do third parties charge in order to handle the task for you? Your time is valuable, and whether you tackle the task yourself or pay someone else to do it for you, cleaning out your gutters is a time and money black hole.

Installing new K-Guard gutters will give you back the time you would have spent manually cleaning out your gutters, but by doing a better job than a standard gutter at moving water away from your house, they also potentially prevent thousands of dollars of damage from occurring! Your foundation will remain intact, your paint and siding will remain pristine, and your wooden frames won’t rot. 

A new gutter system that is as effective as the K-Guard system will reduce the frequency that you need to paint your house and protect the structure. And, if you are planning to sell your property, K-Guard gutter systems make a fantastic selling point for home inspectors and buyers.

Any one of these is reason enough to install new gutters this year, and all of them together show why those gutters should be K-Guard gutters!

new gutter systemHow will a K-Guard gutter system improve my safety and the safety of my home?

It’s a fact that over 500,000 people in the United States every year have ladder-related accidents. Constantly climbing up and down and moving your ladder to reach all the clogged parts of your gutter is dangerous. Falling off your ladder or your roof can result in painful injuries that take you away from work and off your feet for weeks or even months.

Why not make a resolution to keep yourself safe and healthy?! Not only does installing a new K-Guard Gutter System save you time and money, but it will also protect your safety, something no number can adequately quantify.

What makes a K-Guard gutter system the right investment?

There are many reasons to choose K-Guard for your new gutters. Just ask our previous clients! Our great product, fantastic customer service and quality installation are the reasons we get great reviews. 

While we provide amazing customer service and our professional installers are the best in the business, we couldn’t do it without having a great product. The award-winning K-Guard system has been installed and tested for years and refined and improved over time. 

Give us a call and join the ranks of our satisfied customers! Make a New Year’s resolution that increases your safety, saves you money and protects your most valuable investment — your home. Make the easiest choice you’ll make all year by contacting us today! Give us a call at (614) 568-7777.

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Seamless VS Sectional Gutters

Choosing a gutter system for your home is a process, which takes time to ensure your home is protected.

There is a difference between sectional and seamless gutters which is important to consider.

Seamless vs sectional gutters

Seamless gutters have a continuous section that join at the corners and at the downspouts. Seamless gutters are the superior option when deciding on a gutter system for your home.

Sectional gutters are composed of individual pieces of material that are bonded together to form the gutter system. Each piece is attached to the other with a sealant, screws, or anchoring beams. This is a popular method and is originally how most gutter systems were installed. The seams in sectional gutter systems can pose a threat to your home. More seams allow more opportunity for rain, snow and other debris to seep through.

Why choose seamless?

Seamless gutters are the superior option when choosing a gutter system because of the continuity of the system.

  • Custom-fit- Because seamless gutters are don’t have a bunch of small pieces, they must be custom fit to your home. Every home is built differently so your gutters should be made to fit your home specifically.
  • Longer lasting- Sectional gutters are more prone to leaks and breakage because of the various seams. A seamless gutter system lasts longer because it is one solid piece connected to your home and there is less opportunity for water and debris to infiltrate.
  • Better design- Seamless gutters have a more aesthetically pleasing design when compared to sectional gutters. This is important to consider for your home’s appearance, value, and curb appeal.

Bell Seamless Gutters offers high-quality seamless gutters and gutter guards to homeowners throughout New Jersey. To learn more about all the gutter options we have available, feel free to give us a call or contact us online today!


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6 Myths Other Gutter Guard Companies Want You to Believe

Many gutter guard companies claim that they sell the best gutter protection, yet there are unique benefits that set Gutter Helmet® apart from the competition. In addition, few can share so many great gutter guard reviews! Here are several myths that we hear from potential customers about the competition that just don’t add up.

Myth #1 – Theirs is the only product with a “no-clog warranty.”

First, lots of companies offer a no-clog warranty. But the competitors’ fine print also states you can get a free cleaning when the system clogs … which is a bit contradictory. Gutter Helmet never needs cleaning and our warranty guarantees it.

Myth #2 – A wider gap is better.

The bigger the gap, whether it be in a gutter cap or a screen-type design, the more likely debris and pests are to get into the gutter. Gutter Helmet’s 3/8-inch gap has been carefully engineered to allow a heavy flow of water while keeping out leaves and debris. Other products with a wide ½-inch gap will not be as effective at keeping out debris.

Myth #3 – A lower profile is better.

Some companies falsely claim that their lower profile not only looks better but also performs better. The issue is that products designed with a lower profile must compensate with a sharper curve around the nose, which reduces the surface tension necessary to direct water into gutters. Gutter Helmet’s textured nose-forward design gives it superior water-handling performance.

Myth #4 – Ice falls harmlessly to the ground due to an “ice release” system.

Anytime ice falls to the ground, it can cause damage to landscaping, your home exterior or even people below. The ribbed surface of Gutter Helmet allows melting ice to flow into the gutters without sliding off in sheets. If icing is a serious issue on your home, Helmet Heat® can help prevent ice buildup.

Myth #5 – Thicker material is better.

When it comes to gutter guards, thicker really means heavier. That added weight puts more stress on gutters. With a patented textured panel made of anodized aluminum and a 48-gauge aluminum bracket with twin beams that transfer the weight of the helmet from your gutters to your roof, Gutter Helmet makes your gutter system lighter and stronger.

Myth # 6 – Gutter Helmet® voids your roof warranty.

Because of the installation method and how the weight of the Gutter Helmet is transferred to the roof, some gutter shield companies claim that our product voids a roof’s warranty. Leading roofing manufacturers have repeatedly said that Gutter Helmet does NOT void any roof warranty.

Don’t Be Misled by Other Brands

Gutter guard reviews will tell you a lot about various products and may even dispel some of the myths. Only Gutter Helmet’s patented nose-forward design allows water into the gutter while funneling debris off over the edge. Manufactured with durable and lightweight aluminum and finished with Kynar® paint, not only will your Gutter Helmet function flawlessly, it will look great too. If you’re looking for the best gutter protection, call Gutter Helmet at (800) 824-3772 to be connected with your local Gutter Helmet installer. You can also fill out our contact form and we’ll have them contact you.

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How Gutter Cleaning Can Significantly Increase Your Home’s Lifespan

Every spring and fall, you’re bound to see homeowners across the nation up on their roofs, cleaning out their gutters. You can bet that they’re not just doing it for fun! Gutter cleaning is an essential part of being a responsible homeowner. Keep reading to learn the importance of gutter cleaning as part of home maintenance in Oklahoma City:

  • Extend gutter lifespan: Though they’re hardly noticeable, your gutters are an integral part of your roof and your home as a whole. If your gutters are clean, they’re bound to last longer—and if your gutters are long-lasting, the rest of your home should be, too. On top of that, you’ll never have to worry about replacing your gutters if you keep them clean and in good repair.
  • Protect roofing: Clogged and improperly-functioning gutters can cause leaks, sagging, loose shingles and other problems with your roof. Instead of eventually finding yourself paying a contractor to repair or replace your roof, just clean out your gutters.
  • Defend the foundation: Without gutters, rainwater would run off your roof straight down into the foundation. After a while, the foundation could start to crack or crumble! Ensure that’s not a problem by cleaning out your gutters twice a year.
  • Evict pests: All of the leaves, pine needles, twigs and other debris that collect in your gutters are a problem for you and your home, because they’re a great home for rodents, insects and other critters! Clear out your gutters and ensure those pests don’t have a place to call home.
  • Protect landscaping: Many homeowners spend a lot of time, energy and money on their landscaping. Don’t let too much rainwater ruin the plants and flowers surrounding your home! Instead, ensure all of that excess water flows down the gutters and out of the spout.

Protect your gutters with gutter guards

Luckily, your gutters don’t have to go unprotected—our team of pros can install gutter guards at your home or business. Gutter guards work by preventing debris from entering your gutters, ensuring water flows smoothly from your roof to the ground. Here are a few reasons to install them:

  • Save time cleaning: Clearing out your gutters isn’t the most time-consuming task, but it is a pain. Since gutter guards prevent debris from entering the gutter, there’s no need to spend your time cleaning them out.
  • Prevent flooding and damage: Though we can’t guarantee gutter guards will protect against all flooding and home damage, they can defend your home from any flooding that’d result from blocked gutters.
  • Keep up appearances: All of the problems clogged gutters cause with your roof can really make your home look ugly! Make sure you don’t fall victim to that trap by letting our team install gutter guards on your home. With gutter guards in place, you can have the best-looking house on the block.

If you’re ready to stop worrying about gutter cleaning and focus on other home maintenance in Oklahoma City, call L & S Seamless Guttering today to install gutter guards! We can install gutter guards on any type of home or commercial building in a matter of hours.

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Put a Stop to Damaging Ice With Helmet Heat®

Icicles are pretty to look at during the winter months, but the weight of icicles can pull your gutters away from the side of your home. In some cases, the heavy weight of ice can pull gutters completely off, leading to expensive repair costs. Heavy snow and ice that build up on the edges of your roof can also damage siding and the roof itself. To make matters worse, icy runoff will turn your walkway and stairs into a treacherous safety hazard. One solution to ice dams and icicles is a heated gutter cap from Gutter Helmet® called Helmet Heat®.

The Cause of Ice Dams

Icicles that hang off the edges of gutters in winter aren’t caused by the gutters themselves. Icicles are a symptom of heat loss from a home. When snow melts and the water refreezes before it drains through the gutters, icicles are the result. As if that’s not bad enough, an ice dam may form when melting snow and ice cannot drain. An ice dam occurs when water builds up behind a ridge of ice and redirects back under shingles and into your home. The snow on the roof must first melt to turn into an ice dam, which means heat is escaping from the roof and melting the snow.

The Solution to Ice Damming

Depending on the reason for your ice dams, you may need to consider several solutions. First, if the ice damming stems from clogged gutters, they should be cleaned and you should look at a heated gutter system that will keep your gutters clean and warmed to prevent ice buildup. Because a common reason for ice dams is heat loss from inside the home, you may need a roofer to evaluate the roof’s ventilation and insulation to see if changes are necessary. For many homes with severe ice dams, a combination of changes to insulation and ventilation as well as the addition of a heated gutter cap can virtually eliminate the problem.

Why Choose Helmet Heat®

There are several heated gutter systems on the market. The Helmet Heat deicing system from Gutter Helmet is the safest, most effective method available to remove snow on roofs and stop ice dams and icicles from forming. Helmet Heat is available to homes with the Gutter Helmet gutter protection system installed. Your Gutter Helmet dealer can install it through a dedicated switch so you have total control of when it’s on and off. When you have Helmet Heat on your home, snow and ice melts before it can build up in your gutters, saving you from roof and gutter repair.

Contact Gutter Helmet® Today

If you’re looking for a safe, affordable way to prevent dangerous ice buildup on your home, call your local Gutter Helmet installer and ask about Helmet Heat. You can chat with us here or call (800) 824-3772 to be connected to your local installer to learn more.

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5 Home Issues That Should Be Addressed Immediately

Most homeowners know that owning a home comes with a certain amount of regular maintenance. However, unless you’re a jack of all trades, you’re likely going to have to pay a professional for some of the work. While you may be able to put off some repair and maintenance needs, there are others that should never be neglected. Here are the top five issues you should attend to regularly or as soon as you notice a problem.

Roofing Issues

If you notice missing, curled, lifted or misaligned shingles, call a reputable roofing company right away. If you put this issue off, you may end up with water damage in your attic or even in your living areas. The longer you ignore roofing issues, the more likely you are to end up with mold growth or a repair bill that costs thousands of dollars.

Clogged Gutters

Clogged gutters lead to all sorts of issues including roof damage. You should visually inspect your gutters several times a year and clean them at least twice a year to prevent clogs. Of course, if you don’t want to deal with cleaning your gutters, consider installing the best gutter protection on your home. Gutter Helmet® will keep your gutters clean, guaranteed!

Chimney Problems

Your chimney needs attention both inside and out. Depending on the frequency of use, you may need to hire a chimney cleaning service annually. As for the exterior, you should visually inspect your chimney annually as well. Deteriorating mortar can lead to chimney fires and collapsing bricks.

Mold & Mildew

There are many places inside and outside your home prone to mold and mildew growth. All should be addressed. Mold can lead to health issues inside your home and detracts from its appearance. Some common places to look for mold and mildew include:

  • Siding
  • Gutters
  • Soffits, fascia & trim
  • Caulk around windows
  • Anywhere in the bathroom
  • Window sills, especially if your windows frequently have condensation


Pests like to stay warm and dry too. That means rodents, birds and insects look for ways they can get into your home for shelter, which may quickly lead to widespread damage. Pest remediation companies can take care of rodents and birds, and an exterminator will handle the bugs. The best gutter protection will prevent clogs that lead to standing water that attracts insects. You’ll also find that many gutter guard reviews point out that homeowners no longer have squirrels or birds living in their gutters thanks to Gutter Helmet.

Gutter Guard Reviews for Gutter Helmet® Lead the Industry

As you read gutter guard reviews, you’ll find that homeowners consistently have good things to say about gutter protection from Gutter Helmet. If you’re interested in learning more about our products and how they help prevent serious damage, call us at (800) 824-3772 to schedule your free quote. You can also chat with a representative or fill out our online form.


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5 Winter Maintenance Tips for Commercial Buildings

It can be challenging and difficult to properly maintain commercial buildings during the wintertime and, depending on where you live, extreme conditions can cause problems that quickly turn to crises. The weather surely amplifies and exacerbates issues that might be easier to cope with during warmer months, which is why it makes sense to prepare for these cold conditions now, or when the weather is mild.

The pressure washing experts in Warner Robins at Propel Pressure Cleaning offer these 5 Winter Maintenance Tips for Commercial Buildings- and their owners:

1. Check out your Plumbing

If you are responsible for a commercial building, check the plumbing for freezing pipes, exposed cracks, or excess moisture that may have formed. If left unaddressed, this moisture can freeze and cause pipes to burst, which causes costly water damage and headache. Also, keep an eye out for the growth of mold or mildew near wherever there is moisture near the plumbing lines.

2. Inspect Heating Systems

What could be worse than not having heat in your building during the wintertime? This can lead to a whole host of other problems, complaints, and damage, so inspect your heating system thoroughly before the coldest days of winter hit. Check for cracks and inefficiencies in your system, which could be responsible for energy loss and inflated utility costs. Take time to replace air filters, inspect for blockages, and make sure thermostats are working properly, to ensure your heating system works efficiently all winter long.

3. Winterize Your Cooling Systems

Don’t ignore your cooling system during winter months; even though you may not need it right now, there are some ways to winterize so it works efficiently when you need it next spring and summer. Plus, winter is the perfect time to address any repairs before summer months when you need the cooling system to work without a hitch. Empty drain traps and properly shut-down your cooling system units before winter strikes.

4. Be Properly Prepared for Winter Elements

Look around: is your property properly prepared for the winter elements? If you have tenants, staff, or customers, maintain the area to help keep them safe. Remove fall hazards, like ice and snow, from common spaces, walkways, and parking lots. Make a commitment to try snow removal equipment, apply de-icing products to prevent slips, and keep an eye on snow piles to ensure they don’t become hazardous obstacles.

5. Inspect Your Roof

You should know that if your roof is compromised, everything else below will be vulnerable to the elements. Take care to inspect roof shingles, clear any accumulating snow, and completely clear the gutters to avoid ice dams, which can cause expensive roof and property damage. Monitor your insulation to make sure you are well prepared for cold temperatures- and to help curb energy costs.

Get ready for winter with these tips from Propel Pressure Cleaning. Prepare your commercial building for colder temperatures with these five suggestions and strategies that will help prevent a cold weather crisis. Call us today to learn more about commercial pressure washing in Warner Robins GA.

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Downspouts 101: Understanding How Downspouts Work

Most people know that their downspouts are part of their gutter system and move rainwater channeled from the gutters away from the home. However, this doesn’t always happen. Improperly sloped gutters, clogged gutters and leaks mean water may not get to the downspout. If you want your gutters to function at their best, you need to pay attention to your gutters and the downspouts.

How Downspouts Work

With a properly functioning gutter system, gutters are sloped toward the downspout, which is typically at each corner of the house or at the end of the run of a gutter (about every 40 feet). The vertical positioning of the downspout uses gravity to move water away from the foundation. The most common feature at the end of the downspout is a curved joint that often drains into a plastic or concrete form that runs the water further from the home. Other times, the curved spout extends to a driveway or other area that can accommodate the water. Some homes have underground drainage systems with pop-ups in the yard.

No matter how or where your downspout carries the water, the goal is to prevent soil erosion and water damage to your home, among other problems. If you don’t have gutter protection products on your home, gutters and downspouts can soon become clogged. When this happens, water backs up and eventually the gutters overflow. If your gutters appear clear, the issue is inside your downspout and you’ll need to clear the clog. Sometimes you can push it through with a tool, or other times you’ll need water pressure to break it up. In the worst case, you’ll need to remove and disassemble the downspout or even replace it.

Frequently Clogged Downspouts? Add Gutter Protection Products

Downspout clogs are more difficult to clear than clogged gutters because they’re not as easy to access. The only sure way to prevent a clogged downspout is to keep your gutters clear with the best gutter guard systems. However, not all gutter protection products can do the job.

Because Gutter Helmet isn’t a metal screen that allows bugs, pine needles and other small debris through, it keeps your gutters clean like no other product on the market. We’ve been rated the best gutter guard system consistently for over three decades. And because our patented design handles rainfall at rates greater than any other product, we know that your gutter system, including the downspouts, won’t fail due to a clog.

Learn More About Gutter Helmet®

If you’re interested in learning more about the best gutter guard systems from Gutter Helmet, call us today at (800) 824-3772 or fill out our contact form to schedule your free quote.

The post Downspouts 101: Understanding How Downspouts Work appeared first on Gutter Helmet.

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