A rain gutter is basically a channel located along your roofline, and its main function is to catch rainwater that’s coming from your roof. It’s a simple yet important role. And in order for the gutter system to work properly, it needs the help of some additional components, like gutter guard systems and downspout accessories.
In this post, Gutter Helmet of Western North Carolina discusses the difference between splash blocks and downspout extensions.
Splash Blocks
Splash blocks are typically rectangular in shape, and they are either made of concrete or plastic. They are placed under the downspout so as to help direct water away and prevent it from eroding the soil. That said, it is crucial to properly position the splash blocks. Check on them regularly to ensure that they have not been knocked askew by foot traffic or shifting soil. If the blocks are turned the wrong way, this can render them ineffective. Worried that splash blocks might affect curb appeal? There are blocks that are both decorative and functional, allowing you to dress up your home’s exterior.
Downspout Extensions
Extensions are generally considered the best way to augment downspouts. However, you have to be careful in constructing these extensions. Much like splash blocks, they can be useless or can even cause damage if their placement is wrong. Moreover, ensure that the extensions have an unobstructed outlet to an area that can handle the amount of water runoff. Downspout extensions usually lie on top of the ground or are placed below the surface. Underground extensions are ideal for homeowners who want to maintain curb appeal.
Gutter Helmet of Western North Carolina is a reputable provider of gutter guard systems. We carry out jobs to a high standard, ensuring value for your money. Call us at (800) 824-3772 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Mill Springs, North Carolina.

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