That crisp chill in the air is a reminder that Old Man Winter will be coming along before you know it. Will he be relaxed and chill this year or will he be raging maniac? Not even the Old Farmer’s Almanac knows for sure. That’s why it’s important to get your commercial property ready for the cold, winter months while you still can.
Fall maintenance isn’t just about cleaning up; it’s about safety and making sure that there aren’t any hindrances for your snow and ice removal practices and there aren’t any issues that could lead to an ice hazard when water begins to freeze. Property managers need to ensure the safety of employees and customers and winter’s unpredictability makes it perpetually difficult.
Clean and Inspect the HVAC System
If you haven’t been turning up the heat, you soon will. Make sure that your HVAC system is in perfect working order before it has to work overtime in the colder months. Having it cleaned and the filters changed will allow it to work smoothly which will increase its efficiency as well as allow it to clean the air which is so important during winter when viruses run amok.
Winterize Irrigation Systems
Once there’s no longer a need to water the lawns, have your irrigation systems winterized. Water must be drained completely because even a little water turning to ice can damage the system. Also, remove and drain all hoses and drain outside faucets.
Clean the Interior
Don’t just focus on preparing the exterior of your commercial property. Prepare for the onslaught of cold and flu germs by giving the interior of your property a thorough deep-cleaning. Disinfect kitchens, bathrooms, doorknobs, and anywhere that people gather and touch things. While you’re at it, have the carpets deep-cleaned too.
Inspect Exterior Lighting
As the days get shorter, your exterior lighting will kick on earlier. Make sure any broken lights are replaced and that there’s adequate lighting in all areas of your property. Well-lit properties deter crime and make it easier for your employees to see where they’re walking.
Check Stormwater Drains
Make sure all stormwater pipes, catch basins, manholes, inflow and outflow structures are clear of any blockages or overgrown vegetation. A blockage may not be that obvious now but when water begins to freeze, it could leave you with an expensive mess.
Inspect Walkways and Parking Lots
You should constantly be on the lookout for tripping hazards on walkways and parking lots but as part of winter prep, you should also look for cracks. If water gets in and freezes, it will expand and cause an uneven surface where someone could trip and fall. Seal any cracks and keep up with asphalt sealing recommendations.
Remove Leaves and Other Debris
Remove leaves and other debris from the grounds as well as the roof. Leaves, sticks and other debris can keep stormwater from being properly drained away from the building.
Clean and Inspect Your Downspouts and Gutters
Have your gutters professionally cleaned of leaves and debris that can cause clogs. Clogs will cause overflow and ice buildup that can lead to damage to the gutters and roof and hazardous conditions below. The professional gutter technician can also inspect your gutters for any leaks or damage and make sure that your gutter system is securely fastened to the roof.
If you’re preparing your commercial property for winter, call Gutter Pros today at (314) 656-7195 and make an appointment to have your commercial gutters serviced by one of our experts. We’re the leaders in commercial gutters, copper gutters, and leaf protection in the St. Louis area and we can show you options in commercial leaf protection to help cut down on the frequency of your cleanings.
With an inspection and cleaning from Gutter Pros, your gutters will be ready when Old Man Winter arrives!
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